The Ecumenism – A Great Temptation (Interview with Father George Calciu)

Concerning the compromises inside the Church…today there is the very idea that the Ecumenism is a necessity in the Ecclesial space. What do you think about it? - If we obey to the devil, does this mean that it is a necessity? It's not a necessity, but a sin, a very great temptation, a heresy.... Continue Reading →

Father Daniel Sysoyev, the New Martyr: On the Spiritual Kinship (Sermon)

“In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! In a spiritual sense, people are all relatives. There is a carnal relationship -the relationship between parents and children, the relationship between husband and wife, a relationship among the people, based on flesh. On the other hand, there is also spiritual... Continue Reading →

Father Daniel Sysoyev: Sermon about Unity

“In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!" The Apostle Paul, from the prison, writes an epistle(a message- послание) to the Ephesians in which he says: “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been... Continue Reading →

Elder Cleopa Ilie: “What has the Savior told to the Apostles? Thou don’t know where you come from or where thou go. So, be aware that we are wanderers and foreigners here…”

Tell me, where have you been one hundred years ago? Tell me quickly right now! Let me see. And where will you be after one hundred years? Do you know? Do you see that you don’t know where you have been and where you go? What has the Savior told to the Apostles? Thou don’t... Continue Reading →

Elder Arsenios Papacioc: “God is more intimate with us than we are! When you think about this, you fill yourself with hope…”

“Don’t give up! No matter how little you are, no matter how tired, you mustn’t give up. For, I repeat, no misfortune means anything. Nothing is lost as long as faith is established, the soul doesn’t surrender, and you raise your head again! God forbid that you be sad! Don’t’ be afraid! It’s true, one’s... Continue Reading →

Elder Justin Parvu: “The Ecumenism is a huge lie; they speak in the name of a love outside of Christ, which excludes you from the Truth…”

The Ecumenism is a huge lie; they speak in the name of a love outside of Christ, which excludes you from the Truth. If the Ecumenists really loved the world, they would not disown the truth of the value and the spiritual richness of Church Tradition and of the Holy Fathers. They disown Christianity from... Continue Reading →

New Martyr Basil of Optina: “Beauty saves the world – wrote Dostoevsky. Beauty – this is God…”

“Beauty saves the world - wrote Dostoevsky. Beauty - this is God. Though we have examined our lives, no matter how much dissected it into its component parts, so as to understand its mechanism, life in its entirety is always beautiful, divine and not known until the end, neither its beauty is known. Though we... Continue Reading →

San Justin Popovich: “The principal characteristic of falling into sin is always the same: wanting to be good for one’s own sake; wanting to be perfect for one’s own sake; wanting to be God for one’s own sake… The first radical protest that was voiced in the name of humanism but against the Divine-Human Christ and his Divine-Human organism—the Church—should be sought in Papism, not in Lutheranism. Papism is in fact the first and the oldest form of Protestantism…”

The principal characteristic of falling into sin is always the same: wanting to be good for one's own sake; wanting to be perfect for one's own sake; wanting to be God for one's own sake. In this manner, however, man unconsciously equates himself to the devil, because the devil also wanted to become God for... Continue Reading →

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